Intangible heritage and symbolic imaginary

Through this axis IELT defines itself as the only centre in Portugal dedicated to a holistic study of tradition as a dynamic process of identity and cultural construction and affirmation. Therefore, it is important to highlight: a) the importance given to the processes of building and preserving memory; b) the hermeneutic dimension of tradition and memory; c) the intercultural dimension of the tradition; d) the specific pedagogy of the intangible heritage adopting an ecocritical approach to the traditional corpus; e) the role of tradition as a porous and open archive that shapes and reconfigures the mental representations and cognitive models underlying artistic and cultural practices.

Coordination: Inês de Ornellas e Castro –

Literary tradition, texts, arts, theories

This axis seeks to explore the lines of continuity and the boundaries between tradition, literature and arts. Particular attention is given to: a) the questioning of the relations between literature, archive and memory; b) the analysis of the factors that intervene in the formation, transmission and revision of the literary or artistic canon as a process of (re)integration of a text into tradition; c) the disposition and material configuration of literature as a practice of archiving and construction of a textual memory in constant re-evaluation; d) the exploration, from a theoretical and interdisciplinary perspective, of the areas of permeability, symbiosis and connection of different forms and languages of critical and creative thinking (Literature, Visual Arts, Cinema, Design, etc.).

Coordination: Abel Barros Baptista –

Spatialities of literature, arts and culture

This axis aims to explore various modalities of the relationship between literature, tradition and space. Tradition is not only subordinated to a logic of time, being also deeply influenced by geographical coordinates that shape the status, nature, and characteristics (semantic, symbolic and formal) of aesthetic objects and cultural practices, according to epicentres of diffusion, and zones of confluence and transformation of variable geometry.

Coordination: Márcia Neves –