On March 14th, live on Rádio Movimento, there will be a conversation with the researcher Pedro Sepúlveda.
Continue readingIndividual Call to Scientific Stimulus – 6th edition
The Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus – 6th edition of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) will be open from April 4th to May 3rd, 2023
Continue readingRecruitment of participants for study
Participants are being recruited for a study on emotions and personal values in fairy tales as part of the VAST project.
Continue readingInternational symposium ‘Going to School with Adília’
The international symposium ‘Going to School with Adília’ will take place on March 21st and 22nd at the National Library of Portugal and at Agrupamento de Escolas Gil Vicente.
Continue reading1 Master research grant
A call for tender for 1 Master research grant under the VAST is now open.
Continue readingEstranhar Pessoa journal no.9
The number 9 of the ‘Estranhar Pessoa journal’ is now available in open access.
Continue readingInternational Women’s Day: Women Keep Creating Value
On March 8th the event ‘International Women’s Day: Women Keep Creating Value’ will take place at University of Coimbra.
Continue readingWorkshop: Research Data Deposit at Zenodo
The ‘Research Data Deposit at Zenodo’ workshop will take place online on March 21st.
Continue readingPessoa Ressoa: Adília Lopes
On March 9th, at Casa Fernando Pessoa, another session of the ‘Pessoa Ressoa’ sessions will take place.
Continue readingColloquium: Eduardo Lourenço: A Life in Writing
On March 28th, 2023 the colloquium ‘Eduardo Lourenço, uma vida escrita’ will take place at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
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