Conference – Ruy Cinatti: ethnographer and poet

On March 11th, the conference Caminhos contemporâneos da literatura oral timorense: Recolha, Caracterização e Publicação [Contemporary paths of Timorese oral literature: Collection, Characterization and Publication] will take place online and at NOVA FCSH.

This communication, given by Vicente Paulino, aims to talk about the process of collecting oral literature and its publication from the colonial era to the present day. Collecting, characterizing and publishing Timorese oral tradition/literature narratives is essential to keeping their existence alive as a cultural heritage and heritage.

The meeting is organised as part of the project ‘Ruy Cinatti: ethnographer and poet’, whose mission is to study and disseminate the work of Ruy Cinatti, linking his ethnographic research in Portuguese Timor with the vectors of his literary creation.

Meeting poster here and access to the conference here.

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