Elas/Delas: literary conversations 2023

In 2023 there will be several sessions of Elas/Delas: literary conversations. The sessions take place monthly at the Snob bookshop.

The aim of these gatherings is to highlight lesser-known Portuguese authors of the 20th century, result of a patriarchal society strongly encouraged by the Estado Novo. The scheduled sessions are:

– January 10th: Em torno de Natália Nunes [Around Natália Nunes] with Cristina Carvalho (the author’s daughter) and Teresa Sousa de Almeida (IELT);
– February 14th: Amores desviantes: quantos queres? [Deviant loves: how many do you want?] with Ricardo Marques (IELT), Isabel Lucas and Cátia Terrinca;
– March 14th: Mulheres Viajantes – Maria Ondina Braga (1932-2003) e Veva de Lima (1886-1963) [Women Travellers – Maria Ondina Braga (1932-2003) and Veva de Lima (1886-1963)] with José do Carmo Francisco, Joana Leitão de Barros and Sónia Serrano;
– April 11th: Maria Velho da Costa (1938-2020) with Elisabete Marques (Margarida Losa Institute for Comparative Literature/Harvard University) and Margarida Gil (Filmmaker);
– May 9th: Tudo é eterno num segundo, em torno de Natália Correia [Everything is eternal in a second, around Natália Correia] with Fernando Dacosta, Silvina Pereira and Vladimiro Nunes;
– June 20th: A Literatura para a infância na obra das feministas, Ana de Castro Osório e Maria Veleda [Literature for children in the work of feminists Ana de Castro Osório and Maria Veleda] with Fátima Ribeiro de Medeiros and Natividade Monteiro;
– July 11th: Alice Sampaio with Ana Sampaio (the writer’s daughter) and UMCOLETIVO (Cátia Terrinca and Ricardo Boléo);
– October 17th: A maternidade na Literatura [Motherhood in Literature] with Joana Bértholo, Isabel Branco and Rosa Azevedo;
– November 14th: Quem é Judith Teixeira? [Who is Judith Teixeira?] with Fernando Cabral Martins (IELT) and Sara Marina Barbosa;
– December 19th: Quem as lia? [Who read them?] with Paula Morão (School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon) and Nuno Medeiros (Researcher in Contemporary History).

The literary conversations are an initiative organised jointly by Snob, the FACES DE EVA/CICS.NOVA (NOVA FCSH) and IELT.

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