International Open Access Week

NOVA FCSH joined in the celebration of International Open Access Week, between October 19th and 25th, with debates, workshops and dissemination initiatives.

The celebrations begin with the session Acesso Aberto na NOVA FCSH [Open Access at NOVA FCSH], which includes a presentation dedicated to the implementation of Open Access Policy. On the 20th researchers and teaching staff of NOVA FCSH can participate in the workshop Depositar Publicações em Acesso Aberto no Pure [Deposit Open Access Publications on Pure].

On the following day, the webinar Abertura de Dados Científicos e Planos de Gestão de Dados [Opening of Scientific Data and Data Management Plans], is aimed at science managers, researchers and professionals in the Information Sciences.

The International Open Access Week ends with the round table Open Science and Social Sciences and Humanities, moderated by Fernanda Rollo (NOVA FCSH), and with the participation of Kostas Glinos (European Commission) and João Mendes Moreira (FCT/FCCN).

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