Femmes écrivaines portugaises pendant la Dictature militaire et l’ Etat Nouveau

On February 24th the conference Femmes écrivaines portugaises pendant la Dictature militaire et l’ Etat Nouveau (1926-1974) will take place at the University of Nanterre.

The event is organised by CRILUS and Cátedra Lindley Cintra de Camões, I.P., in partnership with IELT – Institute for Study of Literature and Tradition/CICS.NOVA-FACES DE EVA, Casa de Portugal – André de Gouveia, the Portuguese Lectorate of the University of Paris and the Cátedra Solange Parvaux de Camões, I.P at Sorbonne Nouvelle. This academic event is part of the Portugal-France Season 2022, integrating its programme.

Full programme here.

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