The annual online seminar of the RELIT-Rom: Revisões literárias: a aplicação criativa de romances antigos (sécs. XV-XVIII) [RELIT-Rom: Literary revisions: the creative application of ancient ballads (15th-18th centuries)] project will take place on May 27th at 3 pm (Lisbon). In this edition, the team opens the digital and philological laboratory of RELIT-Rom with the purpose of sharing the process of formation of the new archive.
In the session will participate the team members Teresa Araújo, Ana Sirgado, José Barbieri (webmaster) and Nicolás Asensio, PI of the GOLDEN-Rom project (H2020 Marie SkłodowskaCurie) which will partner with RELIT-Rom, using his database.
To attend the seminar click here.