Launch: Contos pouco exemplares

The book (printed and online version) Contos pouco exemplares will be presented on July 21st, at 6:30pm, at NOVA FCSH (Auditorium B1). This publication brings together several short stories written by students of the Creative Writing course, offered by IELT in recent years and taught by João Rafael Gomes, as part of several Summer and New Year courses at NOVA FCSH.

The book compiles texts from the students who have expressed more interest, but also from those who sometimes asked the most uncomfortable questions. According to the coordinator of the publication, João Rafael Gomes, these short stories gave him “a particular satisfaction, for the characters and situations that appeared, the solutions that were discussed, and, especially, for the coherence and final readability that these stories present”.

The authors are: Alexandre Pinto, Alina Reis, Francisco Pinto, Helena Pina, Isabel Milhanas Machado, João Pragana, Mariana Pinheiro, Rafael Dionisio, Tiago Pina and Violeta Barradas.

Ebook in open access here.

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