Almada Negreiros exhibition

The exhibition dedicated to the work of Almada Negreiros, which is divided into two, opens on October 15th at Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga (MNAA) and at the Monastery of Batalha. One of the exhibitions is entitled Almada Negreiros e os Painéis: um retábulo imaginado para o Mosteiro da Batalha [Almada Negreiros and the Panels: an imagined altarpiece for the Monastery of Batalha] and is inaugurated at the MNAA.

This exhibition is complemented by another, dedicated to the same theme, at the Monastery of Batalha, to be opened on a date to be announced, under the title Almada Negreiros e o Mosteiro da Batalha: quinze pinturas primitivas num retábulo imaginado [Almada Negreiros and the Monastery of Batalha: fifteen primitive paintings in an imagined altarpiece]. The exhibition is curated by IELT researcher Simão Palmeirim, with the collaboration of Pedro Freitas.

An unpublished piece by Almada Negreiros will be on display and able to be seen by the public after 80 years in storage. Works that combine photography, drawing and textile materials will also be presented, as well as some preparatory studies by Almada Negreiros. For the exhibitions, works from the collection of the artist who are in the custody of their granddaughters, Rita and Catarina Almada Negreiros, were studied and restored within the scope of the project. The project was born in 2011 with the treatment of Almada Negreiros work, later spreading to other authors of his generation, and remains active to this day.

The exhibition will be on display until January 10th, 2021.


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