Re.Data – Rede para a Gestão de Dados de Investigação

The Re.Data – Rede para a Gestão de Dados de Investigação [Re.Data – Network for Research Data Management] project, which began this year, aims to create and develop a community of practice dedicated to research data management in Portugal, promoting greater transparency in scientific production. Re.Data is joining Love Data Week, an international initiative promoted by the Institute for Social Research (University of Michigan), organising a series of webinars to highlight good practices and services for managing and sharing research data.

February 10th | 12h-13h | online [link]
Uma cultura para os Dados [A Culture for Data] presentation of the Re.Data project and good practices in the management and sharing of research data, with Pedro Principe (UMinho | Re.Data) and guests Elizabete Marchante (UCoimbra) and Tiago Barbosa (IPBragança).

February 11th | 12h-13h | online [link]
Acompanhe os seus dados [Keep track of your data] – Bruno Almeida (NOVA FCSH | Re.Data), Elli Papadopoulou (ATHENA | OpenAIRE) and Alba Comino (NOVA FCSH).

February 12th | 12h-13h | online [link]
Facilitar a organização e rastreabilidade dos dados [Facilitate data organisation and traceability]- Catarina Domingues (UCoimbra | Re.Data), Nicolas Carpi (eLabFTW).

February 13th | 12h-13h | online [link]
Arquivar, publicar e preservar dados de investigação [Archive, publish and preserve research data] – Clarisse Pais (IPBragança), Vanessa Jorge (FIOCRUZ) and Bruno Direito (UCoimbra).

February 14th | 12h-13h | online [link]
Um dia na vida de um data steward [A day in the life of a data steward] – Clara Boavida, Inês Henriques, André Vieira, Maria Tommasino, Salima Rehemtula, Inês Henriques and João Castro.

Re.Data is a consortium made up of NOVA FCSH, NOVA FCT, NOVA IMS, IHMT, University of Coimbra, ISCTE, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança and University of Minho (project leader). The sessions will be given in Portuguese.