Partnership: Escrita com Raízes

The Atlas of Literary Landscapes of Mainland Portugal project has established a partnership with the magazine Wilder – Rewilding your days entitled Escrita com Raízes [Writing with Roots].

This section consists of a set of chronicles that aim to showcase trees described in literary works by Portuguese authors. Throughout 2021 the following chronicles were published:

Sobre a Terra, havia sobreiros…. [On Earth, there were cork oaks], Joana Portela
O abismo salpicado de amendoeiras em flor [The abyss sprinkled with almond blossoms], Natália Constâncio
Freixo, o avô dos ninhos… [Freixo, the grandfather of the nests…], Maria Mota Almeida
Conservatório das aves [Birds’ Conservatory], Irene Fialho
Vidoeiros e salgueiros… em carros bons cantadores [Birch and willows… in good singing cars], Ana Paula Guimarães
Da alma da paisagem. Do bosque no quintal. O ulmeiro Ulmus minor Miller [From the soul of the landscape. From the woods in the backyard. The elm tree Ulmus minor Miller], João Eduardo Ferreira
Paisagens da memória: Campos de troncos retorcidos e estóicos [Landscapes of memory: Fields of twisted and stoic trunks], Ana Lavrador
Paisagens da memória: À sombra da azinheira [Landscapes of memory: In the shadow of the Holm Oak], Carlos Augusto Ribeiro
Amieiros ribeirinhos do Caima: reflexos no rio e na memória do escritor [Alder riverside of the Caima: reflections on the river and the memory of the writer], Ana Cristina Carvalho
Memórias e notícias de mudança: o carvalho de Baptista-Bastos na Ajuda [Memories and news of change: the Baptista-Bastos oak in Ajuda], Margarida Lopes Fernandes
Castanheiros: bons gigantes a povoarem as encostas da serra [Chestnut trees: good giants populating the hillsides], Isabel Fernandes Alves
A fábrica de papel [The paper factory], Ana Isabel Queiroz

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