The project, which started in 2022, is part of the romanceiro.pt platform and has as its main goal the analysis of the eroticism, implicit or explicit, in the corpus of the Pan-Hispanic romance, whose study has not yet been carried out in an exhaustive way.
With this purpose, the work will be carried out in two phases. Firstly, a reading and revision of the ancient and modern oral romance corpus will take place in order to identify and catalogue the scenes and the erotic symbolism associated to certain themes of the romanceiro. Secondly, a SQL relational database will be developed in which the materials will be organized in an ordered manner for subsequent collection and interpretation. Furthermore, the possibilities of semantic tagging, using the standard Textual Encoding Initiative (XML-TEI) of words or expressions with sexual meaning will be explored.
This project has as its starting point the doctoral thesis La imaginería en la poesía erótica de los Siglos de Oro (UCM, 2021), in which a commentary of close to five hundred and fifty poems and more than three thousand sexual images was carried out. Based on the theoretical and methodological approach developed here and, on the results obtained in this research, we will set off in search of sexual double meanings in the romance corpus.
For the first stage of the work, which will be developed at IELT – NOVA FCSH and, in particular, in the mentioned research platform romanceiro.pt, three main tasks were set:
1.Review of the Portuguese romance corpus in order to select the texts to be analyzed;
2. Creation of the appropriate SQL database structure for the organization and storage of the data to be obtained
3. Feeding the database with the results of the analysis of the selected corpus.
Erotic images in Pan-Hispanic romance: cataloguing, analysis and digital tagging is a project financed under a contract “Margarita Salas para la requalification de joined doctors (CT31/21)”, funded by the Ministry of Universities of Spain. Its development, under the responsibility of Álvaro Piquero and the supervision of Sandra Boto and Pere Ferré, researchers responsible for romanceiro.pt, will last for two years: the first consists in a research stay at IELT – NOVA FCSH, while the second will take place at the Department of Hispanic Literatures and Bibliography of the Complutense University of Madrid.