Project ‘Editar a Memória’ edits two ebooks

As part of the Editar a Memória project, coordinated by Teresa Araújo, two ebooks are published that present, under strict scientific criteria, two unpublished works of notable literary relevance.

Romances Tradicionais do Distrito de Bragança [Traditional Romances of the District of Bragança] and O Conto Tradicional Português no Século XXI [The Traditional Portuguese Tale in the 21st Century] are available in open access and are the result of two research grants opened by IELT, within the scope of the Editar a Memória project.

Romances Tradicionais do Distrito de Bragança, by J. J. Dias Marques and Ana Sirgado, brings together the poems collected by the first author in his fieldwork carried out in the 80s of the last century. It should be noted that the collection includes rare themes in the Portuguese modern tradition. On the other hand, O Conto Tradicional Português no Século XXI, by J. J. Dias Marques and Paulo Jorge Correia, contributes to the perception of the state of the genre in Portuguese collective memory, as it collects versions recently collected in a wide national geography.

Both works can be consulted and downloaded in full here.

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