Álvaro Piquero is PdH degree in Spanish Literature by Complutense University of Madrid with PhD thesis La imaginería en la poesía erótica de los Siglos de Oro (2021). At this time, he has a postdoctoral contract “Margarita Salas”, in whose context he is developing the project named La imaginería erótica en el romancero panhispánico: catalogación, análisisis y marcado digital (Erotic Images in Pan-Hispanic Ballad: Documentation, Analysis and Digital Markup). From March of 2022, he has been doing a research stay in Romanceiro.pt project at Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition (IELT – NOVA FCSH). He has teached in Complutense University of Madrid, in Perugia University and in Algarve University. Related with his scientific works, he has published in high impact journals and in national and international collective monographs and he is author of the edition Álbum de Venus, seguida de Arte de putear de Moratín (Visor, 2014) and the book Ramón Menéndez Pidal en la Sierra de Guadarrama. Crónica de un vecino de San Rafael (Fundación Ramón Menéndez Pidal, 2018). In addition, he takes part regulary in national and international conferences, being part of the organizing committee of the IX Jornadas de Iniciación a la Investigación en Lengua y Literaturas Hispánicas (Madrid, UCM, 2021) and the VI Congreso Internacional del Romancero (Madrid, UCM, 2019). Considering their work experience in Digital Humanities, he is nowadays the administrator of Archivo del Romancero, from Ramón Menéndez Pidal Foundation, where he collaborates as a researcher too. In the end, he is also member of Menéndez Pidal University Institute at Complutense University of Madrid.