Post-Doctoral fellow within the scope of the research project Estranhar Pessoa of the Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition. His work focuses on literary and theatrical modernity, with an emphasis on the works of Fernando Pessoa and Mário de Andrade. He has published more than a dozen articles in specialized journals and book chapters, most of them focused on Pessoa. He edited the compilation Me esqueci completamente de mim, sou um departamento de cultura (with Carlos Augusto Calil, IMESP, 2015), the anthology Primero de Mayo y otros cuentos (with Jorge Uribe, Uniandes, 2017), by Mário de Andrade, and the volume Mário de Andrade por ele mesmo, by Paulo Duarte (Todavia, 2022). He is also a member of the research group Estudos Pessoanos. [Scientific Outputs]