Luísa Coutinho is a post-doctoral fellow under the Ruy Cinatti research project at the Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition from NOVA University Lisbon. She holds a PhD in Anthropology, specialising in Anthropology and History, from the ICS-ULisboa (Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the Universidade de Lisboa), with a thesis on ethnography and family history in Timor-Leste. She has a Master’s degree in History from the School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH). She has been carrying out research in Anthropology and History for 13 years on the themes of biographical and family narratives, memory, colonialism, post-colonialism, power relations, kinship, migration and Southeast Asia. She has been a team member and research assistant on research projects for ICS-ULisboa and the Economic and Social Research Council of the UK, via the University of Kent. She is a collaborating researcher at the Centre for Global Studies at Universidade Aberta. She has eight years’ teaching experience in anthropology and research. She has published and edited articles, book chapters and books in the fields of Anthropology and History on research, biographical and family narratives, kinship, colonialism and post-colonialism, power relations and Timor-Leste.