She has a degree in Portuguese and French Studies, a Master’s in Comparative Literature, a PhD in Medieval Literature and a post-doctorate in the area of Profane and Mystical Literature of the Gharb al-Andalus. Arabist, author of various articles and the books Formas do Sagrado e do Profano na Tradição Popular; A Virgem, os Santos e o Santo Lenho. Exorcismos e Milagres and co-author of Santuário de Nossa Senhora de Brotas – Religiosidade Popular no Alentejo. Her main areas of research are medieval and traditional literature, the feminine, Arab and Islamic literature and culture, and Christian and Islamic mysticism. At the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH), she is a researcher at IELT (Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition) and collaborator of IEM (Institute of Medieval Studies), where she has been teaching free courses in the field of Arabic and Islamic literature and heritage of al-Andalus and Islamic mysticism. At the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon (FLUL) she is a collaborator at the History Centre (CH). She is the creator of the Arabic Lisbon Route, which she regularly runs for the tourist company Lisboa Autêntica. [Scientific outputs]