Nuno Ferreira Gonçalves is a musician, lecturer, researcher and writer. He graduated from the School of Music of the National Conservatory and has a master’s degree in Science of Religions from Universidade Lusófona. A prolific lecturer, he regularly participates in congresses, lectures and seminars dedicated to Portuguese mythical imagery and symbolic heritage. He is the author of the titles Os Obreiros do Grande Ocidente (Chiado, 2015), Os Mistérios do Verbo (Chiado, 2016), História Secreta da Ordem de Avis (Zéfiro, 2019), and A Tradição do Graal em Portugal (Zéfiro, 2022), as well as dozens of articles in the area of hermetic philosophy and Portuguese myth-history. Since 2010, he has directed a circle of theosophical studies dedicated to the work and thought of Professor Henrique José de Souza (founder of the Brazilian Theosophical Society). Currently, he is carrying out research in the area of specialty in Traditional Literature of the PhD Program in Portuguese Studies at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.