Paulo Jorge Correia (b. Faro, 1966) has a degree in Anthropology from NOVA FCSH and is currently a teacher in the same area at the University of Algarve. Since 1997, he has been a member of the Centro de Estudos Ataíde Oliveira, at the same University, where he has carried out scientific research in literature of oral tradition, namely in folktales and legends, as an FCT scholarship holder. He is responsible for the constitution and maintenance of the archive / catalog of Portuguese folktales and the online database of legends. He has given lectures in Portugal and abroad, many of them as part of colloquiums or congresses on oral literature. He has written articles and critical reviews on folktales and legends in specialized journals such as ELO (Portugal), ELOP (Catalonia), Fabula (Germany), Journal of American Folklore (USA) and is co-author of the Catálogo dos Contos Tradicionais Portugueses (com as versões análogas dos países lusófonos), 2 Vols. Edições Afrontamento, 2016. He is a member of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, and belongs to the Belief Narrative Network. He has recently traveled the country to talk about folktales at various Oral Narration Festivals (Palavras Andarilhas, Contanário, Passo a Palavra, Rio de Contos, etc.) He has also worked in partnership with Manuel da Costa Fontes in editing and classifying four collections of traditional Portuguese tales collected by him in the 1970s among Portuguese emigrants from California, Massachusetts, Canada and a collection of short stories collected in the Azores. The Canada volume came out this year (2022) by Peter Lang, NY.