Associate Professor in the Department of Portuguese Studies at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH) and researcher at the Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition (IELT) of the same institution. His work focuses on Modern Literature and Textual Criticism, specialising in Fernando Pessoa and Portuguese Literary Modernism. He recently published the essay Ostensivo e Reservado, Leituras de Pessoa (IN, 2024) and edited two volumes of Eduardo Lourenço’s Complete Works, Pessoa Revisitado, Crítica Pessoana I (1949-1982) and O Lugar do Anjo, Crítica Pessoana II (1983-2017), published by the Gulbenkian Foundation. He coordinates the research project Estranhar Pessoa (estranharpessoa.com) and is co-editor of the Digital Edition of Fernando Pessoa: Projects and Publications (pessoadigital.pt