Vicente Paulino was born in Holsa-Maliana on October 1st, 1978. Holds a PhD in ‘Culture and Communication’ (2012) from the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Lisbon. He also holds a Degree in Communication Sciences, variant of Communication, Culture and Art from the New University of Lisbon and a Master in Communication Science (specialization in Contemporary Culture and New Technologies), also from the New University of Lisbon. He was a Secretary of RENETIL, Maliana – Timor-Leste (1999-2000); founder and editor of the Bulletin kuda Ulun Lian, Maliana – Timor-Leste (1999-2001); observer of the Timor-Leste Constituent Assembly Election (2001). Actually, Professor at the National University Timor Lorosa’e and Director of the Center for Cultural and Arts Studies at the National University of Timor Lorosa’e (CECA-UNTL). From 2013 to 2020 he assumed the role of Director of the Unit Production and Dissemination Knowledge in Postgraduate and Research Program UNTL. He was Guest Professor for the Master’s course in International Relationship at the University of Peace (UNPAZ) in 2016-2017.