The book artisans and the militante spirit. The Lisbon Graphic Artes League

The conference Os artesãos do livro e o espírito militante. A Liga das Artes Gráficas de Lisboa [The Book Artisans and the Militant Spirit. The Lisbon Graphic Arts League] will take place on April 19th, with simultaneous online transmission, at Colégio Almada Negreiros (room 209), organised within the project dedicated to the binding, gilding and ornamentation of the book as an artistic practice, a partnership between IELT and Lisbon City Hall.

The keynote will be Beatriz Peralta (Full Professor and responsible for the Galician-Portuguese Philology Area at the University of Oviedo).

The entry is free, and registration should be done via this form. The meeting will be streamed through this link.

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