Meeting: VIII Encontro da Rede BRASPOR

The VIII Encontro da Rede BRASPOR [VIII Meeting of the BRASPOR Network] will take place from September 19th to 22nd. The BRASPOR is an informal network that aims to encourage cooperation between researchers, from various areas of knowledge, who are dedicated to the study of coastal systems.

Joana Gaspar Freitas, IELT researcher and coordinator of the BRASPOR Network in Portugal, will present the communication História e Memória. Contributos para uma gestão costeira integrada [History and Memory. Contributions to integrated coastal management].

On September 18th, she will also present a lecture for postgraduate students in at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, entitled Uma onda se vai e outra vem. Litoral: Ambiente e História [One wave goes and another comes. Coastline: Environment and History].

More information here.

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