Master’s degree in Romance Philology (University of Pisa, Italy) and Ph.D. degree in Portuguese studies and textual criticism (NOVA FCSH). His interests regard most the Iberian literature in all its geographic\linguistic projections. He has obtained lots of scholarships and supports from several institutions in Portugal, Spain, France and Brazil and he develops research and study projects concerning poetry and translations. He has written monographs and papers, and he has translated, in reviews and books, authors and poets from France, Portugal, Spain, Galicia, Catalonia, Brazil, Argentina and Aragon. Co-director of the Lusitanian-Italian review Submarino, of TeXtus editions – Pisa, Italy – and of the poetry collection alleoPoesia. His research guidelines are: relationship between Medieval and contemporary poetry, the Lusitanian-Galician relationships, the Iberian contemporary poetry, the relationships between cinema and poetry, the textual criticism, the study of poetic elements in contemporary prose. The poetics of translation and the production of digital editions. [Scientific outputs]