The workshop ‘Ruy Cinatti: etnógrafo e poeta – Classificação de narrativas orais entre perspetivas emic e etic’ will be held online on November 20th.
Continue readingElas/Delas: literary conversations
The next session of the ‘Elas/Delas: conversas literárias’ will take place on October 28th at Snob bookshop.
Continue readingColloquium Athena 100
The Colloquium Athena 100 will take place on November 21st at Casa Fernando Pessoa.
Continue readingDia da Investigação e Inovação da NOVA FCSH
NOVA FCSH organises, on October 22nd, the second edition of the Dia da Investigação e Inovação da NOVA FCSH [NOVA FCSH Research and Innovation Day].
Continue reading7th CEEC edition: support sessions
As part of the 7th edition of CEEC, NOVA FCSH is organising three online support sessions for candidates.
Continue readingDigital Transformation of European Cultural Heritage
On October 15th, the session ‘Digital Transformation of European Cultural Heritage’ will be held online.
Continue readingGo Green, Go Social 2024
Applications for the ‘Go Green, Go Social 2024: Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities Award’ are open until October 27th.
Continue readingArticle: O Tejo e a Epopeia
“O Tejo e a Epopeia: Imagens de (Des)Construção e de Poder na Literatura Portuguesa” is the latest article by researcher Natália Constâncio.
Continue readingPassa a Palavra
The 7th edition of the ‘Passa a Palavra’ festival will take place from November 5th to 10th in various locations in Oeiras.
Continue readingCFP: II International Conference of Humanities Uab
Those interested in attending the ‘II International Conference of Humanities UAb’ should submit their paper proposal until October 31st.
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