The colloquium ‘Literatura Neo-Realista para a Infância’ takes place on April 20th and 21st at the Neo-Realism Museum.
Continue readingMai 68: imaginaires de l’imagination
The conference ‘Mai 68: imaginaires de l’imagination’ will take place on May 16th at NOVA FCSH.
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The conference ‘Conversas sobre o segredo: a propósito do 20° aniversário da revista Sigila’ will take place on April 26th at NOVA FCSH.
Continue readingIII Encontro de Investigação e Práticas em Educação
The ‘III Encontro de Investigação e Práticas em Educação’ will take place at Coimbra Superior School of Education on April 27th and 28th.
Continue readingCongress: Congresso em Estudos de Paisagem
The ‘1º Congresso Ibero Americano em Estudos de Paisagem’ takes place on April 5th and 6th at the Olga Cadaval Cultural Center.
Continue readingBodies That Eat, Bodies That Drink
The ’11º Simpósio Internacional do CORPUS’ takes place on May 24th and 25th at the Facultad de letras de la UPV.
Continue readingDIAITA Colloquium: Table, Ceremonies and Rituals
On May 10th and 11th, the third edition of the DIAITA Colloquium will take place at the Ajuda National Palace.
Continue readingIELT Doctoral Students Seminar 2018/2019
The cycle of IELT Doctoral Students Seminar will take place at NOVA FCSH throughout 2018 and 2019.
Continue readingCongreso Internacional de las Culturas del Agua
The ‘I Congreso Internacional de las Culturas del Agua’, organised by the Red de Universidades Lectoras, will take place in Aracena on June 7th, 8th and 9th.
Continue readingA incomunicação: literatura e cinema
‘A incomunicação: seminário aberto sobre literatura e cinema’ resumes its activity on March 15th at NOVA FCSH.
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