CFP: International Colloquium ‘Até que um dia já não terá sentido o amanhã’

The call for papers for the International Colloquium “Até que um dia já não terá sentido o amanhã”. Configurações da guerra e da resistência em filosofia, na literatura e noutras artes [“Until one day tomorrow will no longer make sense”. Configurations of war and resistance in philosophy, literature and other arts] is now open. Proposals must be submitted until March 20th.

The colloquium will take place on May 3rd, 4th and 5th 2023 at NOVA FCSH and online. The organization is in charge of researchers Ana Sofia DavidGolgona Anghel and Sérgio das Neves. The meeting aims to be a space for reflection on war, between resistance and existence, in the arts, literature and philosophy, opening up to the following thematic axes, to which each communication must be submitted:

– Memory, archive, spoliation;
– Testimony, protest, correspondence;
– Maps, territories, borders;
– Conflict, disagreement, assignations;
– Escape, migration, exile;
– (Post)colonialism, imperialism, independence movements.

Communications may be presented in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. More information on the official website of the meeting.

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