Alcir Pécora is Full Professor of Literary Theory at the State University of Campinas (São Paulo, Brazil) and has been dedicating his studies mainly to rhetoric, oratory and poetics, having also extensive activity as a literary critic. He is currently a member of the Accademia Ambrosiana in Milan (Italy) and Director of the Instituto de Estudos Avançados da Unicamp (Idea). Among other works, he wrote Teatro do Sacramento (1994), Máquina de Gêneros (2001) and Rudimentos da Vida Coletiva (2002). He is the organizer of A Arte de Morrer (1994), Escritos Históricos e Políticos do Padre Vieira (1995), Sermões I e II (2000-2001), As Excelências do Governador (2002), Lembranças do Presente (2006), Índice das Coisas Mais Notáveis (2010) and Por que Ler Hilda Hilst (2010). He edited the works of Hilda Hilst (2001-2008), Roberto Piva (2005-2008) and Plínio Marcos (2017).