Researcher/visual artist. PhD in Communication Sciences from NOVA FCSH – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa: Não Estamos Sós Sob a Pele – Uma Exposição Possível Acerca de Duplos. Author of texts on contemporary art at the intersection with other disciplinary fields (literature and communication sciences) and themes (body, image, technology, environment, landscape, popular art and medicine). Activity in the field of fine arts: exhibitions, book covers and visual essays integrated in books. Has been teaching Fine Arts (Ar.Co, Fórum Dança e ESAD-CR). Author of transdisciplinary option, Duplo nas Artes (ESAD-CR) or Cópias, Duplos, Máscaras e Clones na Arte e na Literatura (summer course at NOVA FCSH) and co-author of free course Todas as Artes Contam – Intersecções: Conto, Pintura e Cinema (NOVA FCSH). [Scientific outputs]