Cristina Maria da Costa Vieira was born in Porto, 1973. She is licensed and has a master by FLUP and is PhD by the University of Beira Interior. She is Assistant Professor since 2005 at UBI, teaching Modern and Contemporary Portuguese Literature, Oral and Marginal Literatures and African Lusophone Cultures, the last ones in the area of the Master Degree Teaching, Cultural, Linguistic and Literary Studies, that she coordenates. She is specialized in the areas of Portuguese historical novel and theory of character. She is integrated member of CLP and collaborates in IELT. In her vast work, she highlights the books O Universo Feminino n’A Esmeralda Partida, de Fernando Campos (Difel, 2002) and A Construção da personagem romanesca: processos definidores (Colibri, 2008), the coordination of three books on Lusophone relations, with essays and reviews in journals of literary art, such as Colóquio/Letras (Lisbon), Brotéria (Lisbon), Convergência Lusíada (Rio de Janeiro), Cadernos do CEIL (Lisbon), UBILETRAS (Covilhã), Estudios Portugueses y Brasileños (Salamanca), Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades (Braga) and Lusorama (Frankfurt). [Scientific outputs]