Fernando Clara teaches at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH), where he also got his PhD in German Culture (2002) and his Habilitation in Cultural Studies (2010). Among his publications are the co-edited volumes The Anxiety of Influence: Politics, Culture and Science in Germany’s Relations with Southern Europe, 1933–1945 (in Portuguese, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2014), Nazi Germany and Southern Europe, 1933-45: Science, Culture and Politics (Basingstoke: Palgrave 2016), and Closing the Door on Globalization: Internationalism, Nationalism, Culture and Science in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (London: Routledge 2018). He was principal investigator of the research project The Power of Science. German Science in Portugal (1933-45), funded by the FCT. [Scientic outputs]