Graduated in Modern Languages and Literature, Portuguese and French Studies (University of Porto), Master in Portuguese and French Comparative Literature (New University of Lisbon), PhD in Romance Literature and Culture (University of Porto) and professor of French Language, Cultures and Translation at ISCAP – Porto Accounting and Business School, since 1991. Continuing his research in Portuguese Poetry and Interarts as a member of IELT (Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition) and CEI (Center for Intercultural Studies), he has published articles on the poetry of Luiza Neto Jorge and the painting of Paula Rego, among which Dezanove Recantos: The Apocalyptic Epic of the Feminine and The becoming-animal in Luiza Neto Jorge and Paula Rego: Woman Goat, Woman-Dog and other metamorphoses stand out. In 2017, she published A Transfiguração do Feminino na Poesia de Luiza Neto Jorge (Berlin: Saarbrüken – Novas Edições Académicas), her doctoral thesis.