Professor coordinator at the Higher School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco. PhD in Portuguese Literature, University of Coimbra, in 2001, and Master in Portuguese and French Comparative Literature. She has participated in projects related to traditional storytelling, children’s literature and intercultural education, in the context of teacher training. She is a professor of Children’s Literature and Traditional Literature. She has coordinated the pilot project “To want ant to be able to Read: an experience in formal and non-formal contexts”, developed under the National Reading Plan (2006-2010). She collaborated with the Institut International Charles Perrault (Eaubonne – France) in research projects in the field of children’s literature. Her research has addressed traditional tales and their subversion. She is author of books, like Pontes e Fronteiras. Da Literatura Tradicional à Literatura Contemporânea (2005); Educação Intercultural e Literatura Infantil (2010), with M. Morgado; Literatura Infantil e Juvenil. Formação de Leitores (2013), with A. Balça. Between 2014-2016 she was a member of the Erasmus+ European Project teams “Aqua Narrabilis” (NARRation – Acquisition of Basic skills In Libraries and Schools), coordinated by the Institut für Bibliotheksentwicklung, Gratz-Áustria, and “Boys Reading”, coordinated by the University of Split, Croácia. In 2015-2017, she was also a member of the European Project team Erasmus + “IDPBC – Identity and Diversity in Picture Book Collections” and in 2019-2021, member of the European team of the Project “e-Mysteries – Detective Stories to Engage Students in Close Reading with the Use of Mobile Devices”. She coordinates, since 2017, a Protocol between the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco and the Polytechnic Institute of Macau (since 2022, Polytechnic University of Macau) that covered a degree in Chinese and, since 2018, a degree in Portuguese. [Scientific outputs]