Natália Constâncio has an MA and a PhD in Portuguese Studies (Literature), with the thesis Subversão e Paródia na Obra de Mário de Carvalho (2012). She has several works on the cited writer, such as “Humanos, Animais e seus iguais: Epítome de uma morte anunciada, em Mário de Carvalho”, published in Falas da Terra no Séc. XXI (2011), Ruínas e Incertezas em Um Deus Passeando Pela Brisa da Tarde, de Mário de Carvalho (2007) and Paixão, Aleivosia e Morte em O Conde Jano, by Mário de Carvalho (2004), among others. She is the author of the novels Romance de Dom Dinis. El-Rey que (Nom) Fez tudo Quanto Quis (2022) and O Homem que vivia dentro dos sonhos (2016). With the pseudonym Dulcineia, she signed the historical novel A súplica de D. Pedro (2014), the children’s book Inês, a Fada-Boneca – o roubo das Letras e das Cores do Arco-Íris (2015), and published poetry in anthologies. She collaborates on the projects LIT&TOUR (UAlg.), Ciclo da presença no Alto Alentejo, TRIPLOV Journal (CLEPUL), Writing Urban Places Working Group 3, and coordinates the project Atlas of Literary Landscapes of Mainland Portugal together with The Historian Daniel Alves (IHC – NOVA FCSH), since 2018. [Scientific outputs]