Post-Doctorate in Literary Studies, by Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, PhD in Contemporary Portuguese Literature, and Master in Portuguese Studies, by the same University. Researcher at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (NOVA FCSH). She works in the domains of Literature and the Arts and their close relationship, namely in the field of research on literary and artistic education. She is the author of the books Manuel António Pina – Uma Pedagogia do Literário (Solar System – DOCUMENTA, 2017); Mário de Sá-Carneiro: Um Instante de Suspensão (Edições Vendaval, 2003). She coordinates the research project Por uma Pedagogia Criativa, on Manuel António Pina’s work for children. She also coordinates, within the scope of her research, two pedagogical projects: Motiv/Art (Art Citizenship), which aims to promote Literature and the Arts in the 1st cycle of Basic Education and (in the 2021-2022 biennium) the project Confi/Arte: re-creative workshops − Arts and Education for the Values of Global Citizenship in the 21st Century (with the support of DgArtes). She wrote three books for children: Missing Beauty (2007) (Hans Christian Andersen Literary Prize, from Figueira da Foz City), The Blue Pencil (2008); The Land of Wise Men (2021). She also wrote, in co-authorship with Gustavo Rubim, the theater play Assim também Eu (2010). She is the creator and editor of Revista Dobra Literatura Arte Design. She is also the author of several articles, published in specialized magazines, within the scope of contemporary Portuguese literature and the promotion of literary reading in close connection with an artistic education since childhood. [Scientific outputs]