Sandra Maria Cabral dos Santos was born in Melo in 1974. She has a degree in Primary Education and has been teaching since 1998. She completed a postgraduate course and a master’s degree in Multidisciplinary Portuguese Studies at the Universidade Aberta, having presented her dissertation Cartas a Sandra: a Simbiose entre o Privado e o Filosófico (Letters to Sandra: the symbiosis between the private and the philosophical), published by CLEPUL. She also obtained a diploma in Advanced Studies in Portuguese Studies, specializing in Portuguese Literature, from the NOVA FCSH of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and is currently completing her doctoral thesis on the construction and representation of the child character in Vergílio Ferreira’s novels. In addition to her professional and academic activity, she is also the author of children’s literature books, and in 2017 she won the Lusophone Competition of the Trofa Matilde Rosa Araújo Prize, with the short story O Senhor Rimas.