Silvina Rodrigues Lopes is a retired professor of Literature Theory at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities. She obtained her aggregation degree in 1996 at NOVA University of Lisbon. She is the author of several books, including: Tão Simples como IssoE se-páraSobretudo as Vozes InconjuntosA Legitimação em LiteraturaAprendizagem do IncertoTeoria da DespossessãoA Alegria da Comunicação; Agustina Bessa-Luís. As Hipóteses do Romance; Literatura Defesa do Atrito; A Anomalia Poética; Exercícios de aproximação; A inocência do DevirO Nascer do Mundo nas suas Passagens. She was a researcher at IHA – Art History Institute and CEIL – Centre for Studies on the Literary Imaginary. She is currently a researcher at IELT – Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition. She coordinated the Dobra journal. [Scientific outputs]