Véronique Le Dü da Silva-Semik is a researcher of Brazilian and Portuguese popular literature. Her specialization concerns mnemonic forms in oral literature and chapbooks. Her PhD elaborates a precise definition of traditional poetic form called acrostic alphabet (Abc poético). She has lectured at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense and the University of Aix-Marseille. She received a scholarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and carried out research at the National Library of Portugal. She has published several books, including De l’Abc poétique à l’A.B.C. de cordel au Brésil: une forme poétique traditionelle de “A à Z” (2012), Lições em poesia. O A.B.C de Cordel no Brasil: um Abc poético em folheto (2013) and Etiqueta da Sedução. Secretários, Conselheiros e Mensageiros dos Amantes Publicados em Portugal (1842-1937) (2020). She has also published several articles and participated in various national and international congresses. [Scientific outputs]