Véronique Le Dü da Silva-Semik is a resercher in Brazilian and Portuguese popular literature. Her specialization concerns mnemonic forms in oral literature and chapbooks. Her Ph.D elaborates a precise definition of traditional poetic form called acrostic alphabet (Abc poético). She studies the alphabet aesthetic as a creative langage. She taught in Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University and Aix-Marseille University. She had a Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation scholarship, her research in the National Library of Portugal’s (NLP) collection of Secretario dos amantes and Mensageiros dos amantes published from 1842 to 1937 contributes to open new reflexions about the pratice of writing epistolary in Portugal during the XIX and XX centuries. The book Etiqueta da sedução: os Secretario dos amantes e os Mensageiros dos Amantes (século XIX e 1/2 do século XX) em Portugal. Coleção da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal published on 2020 develops all of this peculiar love tradition. She published Lições em poesia. O A.B.C. de cordel no Brasil: um Abc poético em folheto (ISBN: 078-089-589-203-6) and De l’Abc poétique à l’A.B.C de cordel au Brésil. Une forme poétique traditionnelle de “A à Z”, (ISBN: 978-2-296-96064-0) and many articles. She participated in National and International Congresses and Conferences.