Vozes na Primavera 2021

The 6th Cycle of Conferences on Oral Literature Vozes na Primavera 2021 [Voices in Spring] begins on March 27th. The organization is in charge of Ataíde Oliveira Study Centre, with the collaboration of the Library of the University of Algarve, and brings together several specialists in Oral Literature. Sessions take place via Zoom.


March 27th: J. J. Dias Marques “Lendas sobre os botos da Amazónia e suas relações com lendas europeias e africanas” [Legends about Amazonian dolphins and their relationship with European and African legends]
April 3rd: Lucília Chacoto “Um estudo dialetal de alguns provérbios portugueses” [A dialectal study of some Portuguese proverbs]
April 10th: Alexandra de Brito Mariano “Árvores de interesse público nacional e lendas que lhes estão associadas” [Trees of national public interest and the legends associated with them]
April 17th: J. Ruivinho Brazão “A mulher no cancioneiro tradicional português” [Women in the traditional Portuguese novel]
April 24th: Olga Costa da Fonseca “Os 10 mandamentos da didática do conto tradicional” [The 10 commandments of traditional storytelling didactics]
April 30th: Therezinha Hernandes “As donzelas que não querem se casar – da tradição oral à ópera” [The damsels who won’t marry – from oral tradition to opera]
May 3rd: Paulo Jorge Correia “Os contos tradicionais contados por emigrantes portugueses na América” [Traditional tales told by Portuguese emigrants in America]
May 15th: Adriana Freire Nogueira “Contributos para um repertório oral de uma família luso-brasileira” [Contributions to the oral repertoire of a Portuguese-Brazilian family]

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