Workshop: Fantasmi della scrittura

The second workshop of the GHOST project is organised in partnership with the Dipartimento di Filologia, Letteratura e Linguistica of the University of Pisa, and will take place on September 14th and 15th at Aula Magna of Palazzo Matteucci. The workshop is entitled Fantasmi della scrittura – Spettralità nelle letterature e nelle arti and aims to provide a discussion around the spectrality of literature and writing, with a particular focus on the Portuguese and Brazilian cases.

This activity will feature interventions by Andrea Bianchini, Annick Emdin, Marco Petrelli, Valeria Toco and Vincenzo Arsilo. From the project team, Amândio Reis, Clara Rowland, Joana Mello, José Bértolo and Pedro Sepúlveda will be present.

It is possible to attend the workshop remotely, through the following online link (Teams Platform).

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