Almada Negreiros and Sarah Affonso’s estate at NOVA FCSH

The estate of Almada Negreiros and Sarah Affonso was placed in the custody of NOVA FCSH, where it will be preserved, inventoried, digitalised, organised and studied by researchers from the Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition and the Institute of Art History.

The protocol signed by the Dean of NOVA FCSH, Francisco Caramelo, and by the granddaughters of Almada Negreiros, Rita and Catarina, will result in the creation of the Centro de Estudos e Documentação Almada Negreiros – Sarah Affonso (CEDANSA) [Center for Studies and Documentation Almada Negreiros and Sarah Affonso], which will operate in the chapel of the Almada Negreiros College, on Campolide.

The work and study of the collection may result in multiple research projects, exhibitions and editions, which will be carried out by a group of researchers who will answer to an executive and scientific committee, with representatives from NOVA FCSH and the family of Almada Negreiros and Sarah Affonso.

More information to be made available soon.

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