PhD in Environmental Sciences from NOVA School of Science and Technology (1990). Researcher in Food and Environmental Sociology (Instituto Nacional de Recursos Biológicos, 1976-2009; guest lecturer at ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, 1996-2003). Currently a researcher at IELT – NOVA FCSH (Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition). Author and co-author of several publications, such as: Tradição e Inovação Alimentar (Colibri, 2006); the book Natureza, Gastronomia & Lazer (Colibri, 2009) was awarded with the “Prix de la Littérature Gastronomique 2010”; Algarve Mediterrânico. Tradição, Produtos e Cozinhas (Tinta-da-china, 2015), co-written with Vasco Célio and Bertílio Gomes, was awarded with the “Prix de la Littérature Gastronomique 2016”, the 3rd prize of the Best Cookbook of the Year – World Gourmand Awards (2016) and Cookbook of the Year in Portugal (2015); Vidas e Vozes do Mar e do Peixe (Tinta-da-china, 2018), co-written with Nídia Braz e Vasco Célio, was awarded with the prize Cookbook of the Year in Portugal (2019); Alimentação Natureza e Paisagem, (Tinta-da-china, 2022), co-written with Maria Elvira Ferreira, José António Passarinho and Vasco Célio, won the Cookbook of the Year in Portugal (2022); author of Património Alimentar de  Portugal (to be published by the by Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos in 2024). [Scientific outputs]