Susana L. M. Antunes


Associate Professor of Portuguese Language, and Lusophone Literature and Culture at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, United States, where she also serves as coordinator of the Portuguese program. Her research interests are divided between Portuguese contemporary poetry, travel literature, and women’s island literature in a comparative perspective in Portuguese, French and English language, focusing on Geopoetics and Ecocriticism theories. The editing and coordination of the volume Ilhas de vozes em reencontros compartilhados published in 2021, was her most recent book publication.

Sérgio das Neves


PhD student in Portuguese Studies, at FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with an FCT grant, develops the research project on alchemy and metaphor in the poetics of Herberto Helder and Yvette Centeno. He attended a degree in Theater at the University of Évora, graduated in Art Studies from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon and a master’s degree in Comparative Studies from the same institution, with the dissertation: Urfaust and Heinrich von Ofterdingen: a comparative study in the light of alchemical thinking. Not escaping from his Dionysian roots, he is still an actor and fado singer

Sandra Ribeiro


Sandra Ribeiro is a lecturer at ISCAP since the year 2000 in the area of Languages and Cultures. She holds a PhD from the University of Aveiro in Digital Storytelling in Higher Education. She is a member of the Centro de Estudos Interculturais, where she researches in Digital Storytelling in its various aspects. She is also a member of Centre for Research in Communication and Education (CICE) at ISCAP. Her research interests, besides Digital Storytelling as a pedagogical practice, includes sub-themes such as identity, self-representation, interpersonal relationships and technologies in higher education.

Rogério Lima


Doctor in Semiotics, from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Is Adjunct Professor in the Department of Literary Theory and Literature at the University of Brasilia. He was President of the National Association Postgraduate and Research in Language and Linguistics – ANPOLL in 2006-2008. He was Grant Holder in CAPES Senior Internship Program in 2012-2013. Developed post-doctoral research and was a professor at the Université de Rennes, with the PRIPLAP/ERIMIT team, Rennes, France. He was a professor at Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme under the Programme Directeurs d’Études Associés. He is a member of the International Scientific Research Program Network Nantes, Aveiro, Brasília – PICNAB Network. He is a PQ 2 fellow from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development-CNPq. [Scientific outputs]

Ramon Santana de Aguiar


Post-doctor in Theatre and Community (ESTC, Portugal – financing CAPES Brazil, 2013) area in which it operates since 1992. Actor, Director, Doctor of Performing Arts (UNIRIO, 2011), Master in Theatre (UNIRIO, 2006) and teacher (UFMG, 1994). Researcher at the Laboratório de Estudos do Espaço Teatral e Memória Urbana (UNIRIO) and associate researcher IELT. Member of the Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa e pós-graduação em Artes Cênicas (ABRACE).

Pedro Januário


Master degree in Philosophy – Aesthetics in NOVA FCSH with the thesis Apontamentos sobre a Improdutividade. PhD Student in Portuguese Studies – Literature Studies. Architect. Assistant in Faculdade de Belas-Artes-UL, where co-founded the art exhibitions PRÉ-REFORMA and CINE-MONITOR cinema sessions. Member and volunteer in the GOELA (Lisboa) and Luzlinar (Feital) art associations.

Paulo Jorge Correia

Paulo Jorge Correia (b. Faro, 1966) has a degree in Anthropology from NOVA FCSH and is currently a teacher in the same area at the University of Algarve. Since 1997, he has been a member of the Centro de Estudos Ataíde Oliveira, at the same University, where he has carried out scientific research in literature of oral tradition, namely in folktales and legends, as an FCT scholarship holder. He is responsible for the constitution and maintenance of the archive / catalog of Portuguese folktales and the online database of legends. He has given lectures in Portugal and abroad, many of them as part of colloquiums or congresses on oral literature. He has written articles and critical reviews on folktales and legends in specialized journals such as ELO (Portugal), ELOP (Catalonia), Fabula (Germany), Journal of American Folklore (USA) and is co-author of the Catálogo dos Contos Tradicionais Portugueses (com as versões análogas dos países lusófonos), 2 Vols. Edições Afrontamento, 2016. He is a member of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, and belongs to the Belief Narrative Network. He has recently traveled the country to talk about folktales at various Oral Narration Festivals (Palavras Andarilhas, Contanário, Passo a Palavra, Rio de Contos, etc.) He has also worked in partnership with Manuel da Costa Fontes in editing and classifying four collections of traditional Portuguese tales collected by him in the 1970s among Portuguese emigrants from California, Massachusetts, Canada and a collection of short stories collected in the Azores. The Canada volume came out this year (2022) by Peter Lang, NY.

Paula Frade


Paula Frade is a Phd student in Literary Studies, Languages, Literature and Cultures, and a researcher from the IELT, at NOVA FCSH. She has a Degree and Masters in Translation, from the same institution. Her main research focus is in the area of juvenile literature and fable. She correlated her activity as researcher, PhD student and translator, with a professional occupation as manager of a real estate investment company. She lived between Prague and Lisbon from 2006 to 2012. In her spare time she is an artist especially dedicated to acrylic painting, tile painting and pyroengraving.

Patrícia da Silva Cardoso


Patrícia da Silva Cardoso received her PhD in Theory and History of Literature from the State University of Campinas – Unicamp in 2002, presenting her thesis Inês de Castro ou a morta luminosa. Patrícia has been teaching Portuguese Literature at Federal University of Paraná since 1997. She was a visiting professor at Leipzig University in 2007. Since 2012, she has coordenated the bilateral masters course which happens at UFPR and University of Lyon 2-Lumière. She was the head of the Brazilian Association of Portuguese Literature Professors (ABRAPLIP) in 2016 and 2017. Since May 2022 she is the chair of Cátedra Camões José Saramago UFPR.

Nuno de Oliveira


Nuno Samuel Calado de Oliveira was born and lives in Lisbon. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages and Literatures and master’s degrees in Portuguese Studies and Teaching English and German by NOVA FCSH. Currently, in addition to carrying out research activities, he works as a teacher in Secondary Education. He also has experience in the fields of translation and training.