Rita Patrício

Rita Patrício teaches at the School of Arts and Humanities (University of Lisbon) and has been a member of its Centre for Comparative Studies since 2019. She studies and teaches modern and contemporary Portuguese literature and literature theory. She is part of the project Estranhar Pessoa: um escrutínio das pretensões heteronímicas. She has published Episódios. Da teorização estética em Fernado Pessoa (2012) and Apontamentos. Pessoa, Nemésio, Drummond (2016); co-edited with Osvaldo M. Silvestre As Conferências do Cinquentenário da Teoria da Literatura de Vítor Aguiar e Silva (2020) and with C.I. Carmo, J.M. Frias, C. Pimentel and R. Nobre Presença e Memória. Homenagem a Paula Morão (2022). Her current research focuses on the study of self-representation and the projection of the author, mainly on Portuguese literature of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Ana Luísa Martins

PhD student at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, specializing in Comparative Studies. Holds a master’s degree from the same institution with the dissertation The word won by silence – Pilgrim dialogues between Herberto Helder and Paul Celan. Currently, developing a research project on literature and war focused on the works from António Lobo Antunes, Yannis Ritsos and Kateryna Kalykto.

Teresa Margarida Gonçalves Castro

PhD in Modern Languages and Literatures, having specialized in Comparative Romance Literatures by Universidade Nova de Lisboa de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (2010), Master’s degree in Portuguese and French Comparative Literatures(1999) and Diploma in Portuguese and French Modern Language and Literature (1995) by the same University. Work as Secondary school teacher from 1994 to the present and is author of some articles and papers about Literature and Traditional Literature. Member of IELT as a researcher collaborator in some projects.

Ana Memeteau

Ph.D. candidate in Modern Literatures and Cultures at NOVA FCSH. Ana holds a Bachelor’s degree in Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, specializing in French and English Studies. She attended the 1st and 2nd years of the Painting course at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. She was awarded the NOVA Young Talent Award for best undergraduate student in the Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures programme in 2021 and the 1st Prize in French language translation by the Faculty of Humanities, Catholic University, in 2016. Ana occasionally collaborates on artistic curation projects.

Roberto Navega-Costa

BA in Philosophy from the University of Southern Santa Catarina (2018); Special Master’s Student in the Postgraduate Program in Society, Culture and Borders at Unioeste – Foz do Iguaçu. Master’s degree from the Postgraduate Program in Society, Culture and Borders at Unioeste – Foz do Iguaçu. Defended his dissertation in 2021. Capes scholarship holder between 2019 and 2021, during his master’s degree. Postgraduate, Latu Sensu, in Anthropology in 2021; in History in 2021; and in Archaeology and Heritage in 2021. Psychoanalyst trained at the IBPC in 2021. PhD student in Medieval Studies, since 2021, at the Universidade Aberta and the School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH), under the supervision of Professor Isabel Maria de Barros Dias and Professor Maria João Branco. Researching the thesis Estudo Imagológico do Medievalismo brasileiro do século XIX. Member of the research group of the CLAEC – Centro Latino-Americano de Estudos em Cultura as an Associate Researcher. Member of the Instituto Estudos Medievais (NOVA FCSH).

Teresa Sousa de Almeida

Teresa Sousa de Almeida is a researcher at IELT and a retired Associate Professor from NOVA FCSH, where she taught French Literature, Portuguese Literature and Feminist Theory. She headed four projects on women writers, financed by the Gulbenkian Foundation and the Portuguese FCT. Between 2014 and 2017, she was responsible for coordinating the Mundus Master’s, Crossways in Cultural Narratives, financed by the European Union, along with Ana Morais and Ana Matos. She has written on contemporary Portuguese Literature, concerning Mário de Carvalho, Nuno Júdice, Maria Teresa Horta and Natália Nunes. [Scientific outputs]

Andreia Almeida


Andreia Almeida is a master student in Portuguese Studies at NOVA FCSH and has conclude her degree in the same department and institution. She also has a degree and master in Psychology at ISPA – Instituto Universitário. She is working in the project  “Portuguese women writers during Military Dictatorship and Estado Novo in Portugal, Africa, Asia and countries of emigration”, that involves IELT, CICS.NOVA/Faces de Eva (NOVA FCSH), and CRILUS/UR, University of Paris Nanterre.

Silvina Rodrigues Lopes

Silvina Rodrigues Lopes is a retired professor of Literature Theory at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities. She obtained her aggregation degree in 1996 at NOVA University of Lisbon. She is the author of several books, including: Tão Simples como IssoE se-páraSobretudo as Vozes InconjuntosA Legitimação em LiteraturaAprendizagem do IncertoTeoria da DespossessãoA Alegria da Comunicação; Agustina Bessa-Luís. As Hipóteses do Romance; Literatura Defesa do Atrito; A Anomalia Poética; Exercícios de aproximação; A inocência do DevirO Nascer do Mundo nas suas Passagens. She was a researcher at IHA – Art History Institute and CEIL – Centre for Studies on the Literary Imaginary. She is currently a researcher at IELT – Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition. She coordinated the Dobra journal. [Scientific outputs]

José Manuel da Costa Esteves

José Manuel da Costa Esteves teaches at the Université Paris Nanterre, where he has been coordinating the Lindley Cintra Chair of the Camões – I.P, since 2002. Additionally, he serves as deputy head of the research center CRILUS (Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires du monde lusophone, UR Etudes Romanes). He completed his studies at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. He is a member of the Portuguese Association of Literary Critics, the editorial board of the journals Colóquio-Letras, Faces de Eva, Convergência Lusíada, Cahiers du Crepal, and has published extensively in the areas of language teaching, language and cultural policies, and modern and contemporary Portuguese literature. Some of his words include: La Littérature Portugaise contemporaine, Paris, 2008; Maria Judite de Carvalho: une écriture en liberté surveillée (with Maria Graciete Besse and Adelaide Cristóvão), Paris, 2012; Escritoras portuguesas no tempo da Ditadura Militar e do Estado Novo (with Teresa Almeida e Isabel Henriques de Jesus), Brussels, Peter Lang – a book that is part of the project “Escritoras portuguesas no tempo da Ditadura Militar e do Estado Novo em Portugal, África, Ásia e Países de Emigração,” of which he is a team member.

Rui Zink


Rui Zink is a writer and teacher in the department of Portuguese Studies, and is responsible for the disciplines in Edition Theory and Publishing and Editing at graduate level. His body of work – about 30 books comprising fiction and essay – has been translated into 15 languages. In 2009 he was Hélio and Amélia Pedroso Endowed Chair and Writer in Residence at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. He has been also been part of the Portuguese Summer School at the Middlebury College, Vermont. [Scientific outputs]