Juliana Menezes


PhD student in Portuguese Studies at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. She is a Portuguese teacher at Instituto Federal da Bahia (Brazil) and a researcher at Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação (CIAC – UAlg) and at Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition (IELT – NOVA FCSH). Her areas of interest are literature, culture and tourism.

José Luís Grosso

Bachelor’s Degree and Professorship, Philosophy, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1986; Master, Andean History, FLACSO/Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, 1995; PhD, Social Anthropology, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Brazil, 1999. Publications: Antígona: hija, hermana, mujer. Tragedia y contemporaneidad (2003); Indios muertos, negros invisibles. Identidad, hegemonía y añoranza (2008); Nadie sabe con qué pie / se desmarcará otra vez. Semiopraxis, discurso de los cuerpos y relaciones interculturales poscoloniales (2012); Del Socioanálisis a la Semiopraxis de la Gestión Social del Conocimiento. Contra-narrativas en la telaraña global (2012); Danza de los cuerpos y semiopraxis (2014); Semiopraxis barroca popular (2014); Añoranza, olvido, semiopraxis: la esperanza de los vencidos (2014); Más acá del Estado-Nación: Semiopraxis territoriales en pugna (2014); Hospitalidad excesiva. Semiopraxis crítica y justicia poscolonial (2014); En otras lenguas. Semiopraxis popular-intercultural-poscolonial como praxis crítica (2017). [Scientific outputs]

José Carlos Canoa


PhD student in Portuguese Studies – Literature, with a research project on Manuel de Faria e Sousa as a commentator on the work of Camões, at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH). José Carlos was a lecturer of Portuguese Studies at the Université Bordeaux Montaigne, at the University of Namibia and at the Faculty of Philology – University of Belgrade, Serbia. His fields of interest focus on Camões Studies, also including the teaching of Portuguese language, literature, and culture. He is editor of the Luís de Camões blog. [Scientific outputs]

Jorge Uribe


Jorge Uribe is a graduate from de Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, and a Ph.D. by the Universidade de Lisboa. His final dissertation was dedicated to the intellectual biography of Fernando Pessoa and to the concepts of aesthetical criticism and dramatic depersonalization in the works of Oscar Wilde, Walter Pater and Matthew Arnold. Uribe completed is post-doctorate at the University of São Paulo (USP). He is also a member of the critical and editorial project Estranhar Pessoa. Uribe has been grant-holder for the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and for the Fundação Calouste-Gulbenkian (FCG). [Scientific outputs]

Jorge Maximino


Jorge Augusto Maximino, Ph.D Portuguese Studies, University of Paris IV-Sorbonne (thesis: Philosophie et Modernité dans l’Œuvre Poétique d’António Ramos Rosa, Paris, l’Harmattan, 2013), is Professor of literature and semiotics, researcher in literature, aesthétique and cultural theory, specifically about questions of time in poetic discourse, and published, recently, in Brazil, Ética e alteridade em Primeiras estórias de João Guimarães Rosa. Ensaio sobre processo metafórico e interlocução. He is co-editor of four anthologies in Portugal, one in France (with Pierre Rivas and Nuno Júdice). He created and coordinated the revue Lusografias and the Festival de Poesia de Foz Côa. [Scientific outputs]

João Rafael Gomes


João Rafael Gomes was born in 1971. He attended Engineering and then Architecture. He has a Phd in Textual Criticism and History of the Book on NOVA FCSH. He also as a Master Degree and graduated in Portuguese Studies.Under the pseudonym of Rafael Dionísio has been publishing novels and experimental prose books. He as an intense activity as a teacher in creative writing workshops. He is now Invited Assistent Professor at NOVA FCSH.

João Pedro Carvalho


Major in Portuguese with Minor in Philosophy in Universidade de Coimbra. Master in Portuguese Studies in Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, with dissertation in Herberto Helder. PhD Candidate in Portuguese Studies by the same university, working in a thesis in Almada Negreiros. In 2021, he published the essay “The poem’s passion in Herberto Helder” in Diacrítica. [Scientific outputs]

Joana Meirim


Joana Meirim is Visiting Assistant Professor at the NOVA FCSH, a researcher at the Research Centre for Communication and Culture (Universidade Católica Portuguesa) and at IELT. She holds a Ph.D. in Literary Theory (School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon), with a thesis on Jorge de Sena and Alexandre O’Neill, and has coordinated a project on the Portuguese poet Alexandre O’Neill with a grant awarded by the Gulbenkian Foundation. She has recently edited a collection of Alexandre O’Neill interviews (Tinta da China, 2021), co-edited a volume on the teaching of literature (IELT-Nova FCSH, 2021) and a collection of essays on the criticism of Jorge de Sena (BNP, 2022). [Scientific outputs]

Ivo Rafael Silva


Ivo Rafael Gomes Silva born in 4th october 1983. Has a Specialized Translation and Interpreting master degree by the Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto (university). His master degree thesis with the title Contributos da Tradução para a Historiografia Portuguesa: reflexões pré e para-tradutivas em torno da Narrativa da Expedição a Portugal em 1832 won the CEI 2011 reward, as the best master degree thesis of ISCAP (university) in intercultural studies subject. He’s history and etnography researcher with some books published, such as Paredenses na Grande Guerra:1914-1918 (2017) and Paredes a Primeira República (2020). He’s also junior researcher of Centro de Estudos Interculturais do ISCAP (intercultural study center of ISCAP). He teached French and French Technical Text Translation at Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto (P. Porto) (university). [Scientific outputs]

Isilda Leitão


Isilda Leitão has a PhD in Filología Hispánica (Portuguese and Spanish Comparative Literature and Culture, 19th and 20th centuries), and a European PhD, both granted by the University of Barcelona. She is a Senior Lecturer and a researcher in CiTUR-Estoril and in IELT – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. She is a member of the Sociedad de Literatura Española del Siglo XIX (SLESXIX, Universitat de Barcelona) and of the “Consejo Científico Asesor y del Comité Evaluador Externo” in the Revista Internacional de Turismo y Empresa (RITUREM). She has national and international works published about Portuguese and Foreign Compared Culture, History, Literature and Travel Literature, as well as Religious and Cultural Tourism. [Scientific outputs]