Carolina Vilardouro


Graduated in Anthropology (2011), Postgraduate in Uses of Culture and Tourism (2015) and Master in Science Communication (2020) from the NOVA University of Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH). Since 2011, she has been part of the Institute’s management team.

Anabela Gonçalves


Degree in Modern Languages and Literature (Portuguese/Spanish) from Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Master’s in Management and Cultural Studies from ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon and Postgraduate in Storytelling at School of Communication and Media Studies. In 2020-2021, she completed the General Course in Cinema, from Cine-Reactor. Since 2005, she has been responsible for the executive and financial management of IELT.

Vicente Paulino

Vicente Paulino was born in Holsa-Maliana on October 1st, 1978. Holds a PhD in ‘Culture and Communication’ (2012) from the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Lisbon. He also holds a Degree in Communication Sciences, variant of Communication, Culture and Art from the New University of Lisbon and a Master in Communication Science (specialization in Contemporary Culture and New Technologies), also from the New University of Lisbon. He was a Secretary of RENETIL, Maliana – Timor-Leste (1999-2000); founder and editor of the Bulletin kuda Ulun Lian, Maliana – Timor-Leste (1999-2001); observer of the Timor-Leste Constituent Assembly Election (2001). Actually, Professor at the National University Timor Lorosa’e and Director of the Center for Cultural and Arts Studies at the National University of Timor Lorosa’e (CECA-UNTL). From 2013 to 2020 he assumed the role of Director of the Unit Production and Dissemination Knowledge in Postgraduate and Research Program UNTL. He was Guest Professor for the Master’s course in International Relationship at the University of Peace (UNPAZ) in 2016-2017.

Isabel Barros Dias


Auxiliar Professor at Universidade Aberta, where she teaches since 1989. She has published articles in various specialized journals, collective publications and proceedings, national and foreign, as well as two books on Iberian medieval historiography (Metamorfoses de Babel, of 2003 and La identidad de la historiografía of 2013). Her research lies within the framework of Compared Literature, Imagology and the Studies on the Imaginary, and her main areas of interest are Medieval Literature, 16th century Literature, Oral and Traditional Literature, and Textual Edition. [Scientific outputs]

Luís de Sousa Martins


Doctorate in Social Anthropology at ISCTE with a thesis Inovação e Resistência – Um estudo sobre estratégias nas companhas de pesca (Póvoa de Varzim). Develops ethnographic research on fishing communities about the fishing technology impacts on natural resources and social relationships. Its main interest are cultural heritage in coastal communities, using methods and tools from ethnography and geography to the development of his research. [Scientific outputs]

Inês de Ornellas e Castro

Inês de Ornellas e Castro is an Assistant Professor at NOVA FCSH and Invited Assistant Professor at NOVA Medical School. She as a PhD in Latin Language and Culture by Nova University Lisbon (2007), where she sustained the thesis De la table des Dieux a la table des Hommes. La symbolique de l’alimentation dans l’antiquité romaine (Harmattan, 2011). She is a research coordinator at IELT – Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition and collaborates with various International research networks. Although her main field of research has been cultural history of food and body in Antiquity and medical Neo Latin texts, she is also interested on paleography and textual criticism. Apart from books, she had published chapters and presented conferences on female writing subjects (Renaissance and Enlightenment) and Portuguese bromatology Latin texts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. She coordinates with Carmen Soares the international project DIAITA – Lusophony Food Heritage. [Scientific outputs]

Abel Barros Baptista


Professor at NOVA FCSH, working on the Portuguese Studies Department. He teaches maninly Brazilian Literature; others areas of interest: Literary Theory and the teaching of literature. He has published several studies on authors and topics pertaining Portuguese and Brazilian Literature, namely a number of books on the work of Camilo Castelo Branco and Machado de Assis. He is the head of the research group Literary tradition, texts, arts, theories. [Scientific outputs]

Carlos Clamote Carreto

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at NOVA University of Lisbon where he is currently Vice-Dean for Planning and Quality Management and Scientific Vice-coordinator of IELT. Vice-Dean for Planning and Quality and President of the Pedagogical Council. Besides being researcher and scientific sub-director of IELT, he is also a collaborating member of the Institute of Medieval Studies (NOVA FCSH) and of GRIS-France. His main teaching and research fields focus on French Literature, Literary Theory and Criticism, Medieval Studies and Studies on the Imaginary. He is a founding member and permanent member of the editorial board of the interdisciplinary Luso-French journal Sigila, and belongs to the the scientific board of several journals linked to literary and inter-art studies. His publications have focused mainly on the dynamic relations between Tradition, Myth and Literature with special attention to medieval narrative. [Scientific outputs]

Teresa Araújo

Teresa Araújo is Professor at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA University of Lisbon, where she received her PhD in Romance Literatures (2000). She has also taught several courses at Lumière-Lyon 2, Carlos III, Agostinho Neto, Salamanca and Oviedo universities, among others. She dedicates her teaching and research activity to Portuguese literature of the 17th and 18th centuries, but focuses mostly on the study of the ancient and modern romanceiro in Portugal from a pan-Hispanic perspective, as well as of theatre and fables. Among her most recent publications, there are “Silvestre ou jogo da (in)subordição entre cinema & etnografia” (BLO, 2022) and the introductory study to the Floresta de varios romances sacados de las historias antiguas de los hechos famosos de los doze Pares de Francia. En Valencia, 1642 (México, 2019). From her experience in scientific coordination, it currently stands out the coordination of the Research Project supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Foundation for Science and Technology Literary revisions: the creative application of ancient ballads (15th-18th centuries). [Scientific outputs]

Órla Murphy

Órla Murphy is Director of the Department of Digital Humanities at University College Cork. Her teaching activity and publications reflect scientific interests such as paleography, codicology and textual transmission from orality to cyberculture. She was National Coordinator of DARIAH-IE (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities); National representative on the Scientific Committee of the CoST-EU (cooperation in Science and Technology) and on the SCI SWG Social and Cultural Innovation Special Working Group of ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures). She has also received the following awards: Fulbright TechImpact Award, NFTLHE National Teaching Expert Award, College of Arts Research funding awards and UCC Strategic fund for excellence in research awards. She is currently PI of the project “Embedding Digital Literacies in Irish HEIs” funded by the IrishResearch Council.