Joana Costa

Joana Costa holds a degree in Portuguese Studies and a master’s degree in Portuguese Teaching, both from the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University NOVA of Lisbon. Currently, she is studying for a master’s degree in Portuguese Studies at the same institution and is preparing a dissertation entitled “Message in the Continuous Dialogue of Drama in People”, about the connections between heteronymy and that Fernando Pessoa book of poems. About this writer, she previously also gave a presentation entitled “Inevitable names: veils and covers of the same thing”, at the 13th Open Seminar of Estranhar Pessoa Project, and a presentation entitled “Romance atoms that went to have fever in Pessoa”, at the VII International Congress of the Romanceiro.

Christophe Araújo

Christophe Araújo is an assistant professor at the University of Paris-Nanterre since September 2023. Former member of the EHEHI of the Casa de Velázquez, winner of the Mário Soares Prize 2022 with his thesis Being a historian during an authoritarian regime: Power and Knowledge in Portugal (1926-1974), his work focuses on historiography, the prosopography of academic circles and the links between language and political power.

Sandra Santos

Sandra Maria Cabral dos Santos was born in Melo in 1974. She has a degree in Primary Education and has been teaching since 1998. She completed a postgraduate course and a master’s degree in Multidisciplinary Portuguese Studies at the Universidade Aberta, having presented her dissertation Cartas a Sandra: a Simbiose entre o Privado e o Filosófico (Letters to Sandra: the symbiosis between the private and the philosophical), published by CLEPUL. She also obtained a diploma in Advanced Studies in Portuguese Studies, specializing in Portuguese Literature, from the NOVA FCSH of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and is currently completing her doctoral thesis on the construction and representation of the child character in Vergílio Ferreira’s novels. In addition to her professional and academic activity, she is also the author of children’s literature books, and in 2017 she won the Lusophone Competition of the Trofa Matilde Rosa Araújo Prize, with the short story O Senhor Rimas.

Diogo Marques

Diogo Marques is a researcher in Digital Humanities at the Centre for Digital Culture and Innovation, CODA, and a member of ILCML, Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa, FLUP. In 2018, he received his Ph.D. in Materialities of Literature (University of Coimbra). His thesis focuses on the analysis of haptic interfaces as expressive elements in computational literature. He was a postdoctoral researcher at IELT – Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition (NOVA FCSH), within the scope of the VAST: values across space & time (2020-21) project and Research Fellow at Fernando Pessoa University, Porto (2018-2020). In 2020, he co-organized a volume of essays titled  Investigação-Experimentação-Criação: em Arte-Ciência-Tecnologia   (Porto: FFP Press). He is an author, curator, and translator of experimental (cyber)literature and co-founding member of wr3ad1ng d1g1t5 collective ( He collaborates with IELT, NOVA FCSH; MATLIT LAB, Humanities Laboratory of the University of Coimbra; Artech-Int – International Association of Computational Art; ELO – Electronic Literature Organization; and APEAA – Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies.

Gonçalo Santos Dias

Master in Text Editing and Bachelor in Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (English and Portuguese Studies) from the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities. Developed the project titled The (Un)finished Text – 35 Sonnets by Fernando Pessoa. Analysis and Edition as part of the Master’s in Text Editing. Areas of interest focus on the work of Fernando Pessoa, particularly the production in English. Member of the research project “Estranhar Pessoa.” Dedicates his research to the analysis of intertextualities and interpretative analysis of Fernando Pessoa’s English poetry, a project he will carry out as part of the PhD programme in Portuguese Studies at NOVA FCSH.

Ana Paiva Morais

Ana Paiva Morais teaches French and Portuguese medieval literature and contemporary French Literature at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Her research work focuses mainly on short narrative genres, with a special interest in the reception of medieval works in modern and contemporary literature and in the connections of medieval texts and the folktale. She has published several articles and studies on the fabliaux, the exempla and the fables in medieval and traditional literature. She was research leader of the FCT funded project A Catalogue and Critical History of the Fable in Portuguese Literature hosted by the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas of NOVA. [Scientific outputs]

Maria Natividade Pires

Professor coordinator at the Higher School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco. PhD in Portuguese Literature, University of Coimbra, in 2001, and Master in Portuguese and French Comparative Literature. She has participated in projects related to traditional storytelling, children’s literature and intercultural education, in the context of teacher training. She is a professor of Children’s Literature and Traditional Literature. She has coordinated the pilot project “To want ant to be able to Read: an experience in formal and non-formal contexts”, developed under the National Reading Plan (2006-2010). She collaborated with the Institut International Charles Perrault (Eaubonne – France) in research projects in the field of children’s literature. Her research has addressed traditional tales and their subversion. She is author of books, like Pontes e Fronteiras. Da Literatura Tradicional à Literatura Contemporânea (2005); Educação Intercultural e Literatura Infantil (2010), with M. Morgado; Literatura Infantil e Juvenil. Formação de Leitores (2013), with A. Balça. Between 2014-2016 she was a member of the Erasmus+ European Project teams “Aqua Narrabilis” (NARRation – Acquisition of Basic skills In Libraries and Schools), coordinated by the Institut für Bibliotheksentwicklung, Gratz-Áustria, and “Boys Reading”, coordinated by the University of Split, Croácia. In 2015-2017, she was also a member of the European Project team Erasmus + “IDPBC – Identity and Diversity in Picture Book Collections” and in 2019-2021, member of the European team of the Project “e-Mysteries – Detective Stories to Engage Students in Close Reading with the Use of Mobile Devices”. She coordinates, since 2017, a Protocol between the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco and the Polytechnic Institute of Macau (since 2022, Polytechnic University of Macau) that covered a degree in Chinese and, since 2018, a degree in Portuguese. [Scientific outputs]

Maria Manuel Valagão

PhD in Environmental Sciences from NOVA School of Science and Technology (1990). Researcher in Food and Environmental Sociology (Instituto Nacional de Recursos Biológicos, 1976-2009; guest lecturer at ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, 1996-2003). Currently a researcher at IELT – NOVA FCSH (Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition). Author and co-author of several publications, such as: Tradição e Inovação Alimentar (Colibri, 2006); the book Natureza, Gastronomia & Lazer (Colibri, 2009) was awarded with the “Prix de la Littérature Gastronomique 2010”; Algarve Mediterrânico. Tradição, Produtos e Cozinhas (Tinta-da-china, 2015), co-written with Vasco Célio and Bertílio Gomes, was awarded with the “Prix de la Littérature Gastronomique 2016”, the 3rd prize of the Best Cookbook of the Year – World Gourmand Awards (2016) and Cookbook of the Year in Portugal (2015); Vidas e Vozes do Mar e do Peixe (Tinta-da-china, 2018), co-written with Nídia Braz e Vasco Célio, was awarded with the prize Cookbook of the Year in Portugal (2019); Alimentação Natureza e Paisagem, (Tinta-da-china, 2022), co-written with Maria Elvira Ferreira, José António Passarinho and Vasco Célio, won the Cookbook of the Year in Portugal (2022); author of Património Alimentar de  Portugal (to be published by the by Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos in 2024). [Scientific outputs]

Margarida Esperança Pina


Assistant Professor at School of Social Sciences and Humanities from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, where she has been teaching in the areas of Literary Studies and Translation. She is a researcher at IELT and collaborates with CEAUL – Universidade de Lisboa. Her main areas of interest focus on French Literature and Literature and other arts (Food Studies, History of Medicine / Narrative Medicine). She is a researcher on the project – Cost Action Proposal OC – 2019 1-23925 – Investigation on Comics and Graphic Novels in the Iberian Cultural area (since 2020) and is a collaborator on the project – Humanités Médicales (Centro Théorie et Histoire des Arts et des Littératures de la Modernité – THALIM / Université Paris 3, since 2018). [Scientific outputs]

Nuno Ribeiro

Nuno Ribeiro is a contracted assistant researcher at IELT – Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition (NOVA FCSH), with a project (reference CEECIND/08872/2023) financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the Individual Scientific Employment Stimulus Competition – 6th Edition. He has a PhD in Philosophy – in the area of Aesthetics – from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon, with a thesis on Pessoa’s philosophical archive entitled Tradition and Pluralism in the Philosophical Writings of Fernando Pessoa, having been subsidized with a grant from the Foundation for Science and Technology (April 2008 to April 2012). He developed a post-doctoral research funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), at the Federal University of São Carlos (November 2012 to October 2015), on Fernando Pessoa’s and Ludwig Wittgenstein’s archives. He also carried out post-doctoral research funded by the Department of Philosophy of the University of São de Paulo, within the scope of the PNPD/CAPES program (December 2016 to July 2017). He also developed post-doctoral research on Fernando Pessoa at the Institute for the Study of Traditional Literature (NOVA University Lisbon/ Faculty of Social and Human Sciences), with funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology (September 2017 to October 2023). He graduated in philosophy at New University of Lisbon (2003-2007), having won a merit scholarship. He is the author of books, articles and book chapters published in Europe, Brazil and the United States, with a special focus on the work of Fernando Pessoa. [Scientific outputs]