Isabel Bezelga

PhD in Theatre Studies and Specialization in Theatre and Education and Intercultural Artistic Methodologies. She is currently Assistant Professor at the University of Évora and teaches in the Department of Performing Arts and Pedagogy and Education. Director of the Theatre Course. Conducts research in Theatre and Community as IELT member and collaborates in CIEP / UÉvora. Has been active as: Actress; teacher; trainer; Member of the Commission for Monitoring and Evaluation on Cultural field -DRCAlentejo (Theatre); Consultant and Developer of Drama Curriculum Guidelines in Primary and Secondary Education (Central Educational Office of Portugal; Coordinator and Animator of socio-cultural, educational and artistic projects. In civic and voluntary framework she is a member of the Board of Menuhin Association Portugal – Project MUS-E, the Portuguese Movement of Education through Art and Artistic Intervention; IDEA-Europe network (International Drama / Theatre in Education Association) and Ibero American Arts Education. [Scientific outputs]

Daniel Bonomo


Daniel Bonomo is professor of Brazilian Literature in the Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Linguistics at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Fale-UFMG). Ph.D. University of São Paulo (USP)/University of Leipzig. He carried out postdoctoral research at the University of Campinas (Unicamp) and at the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. He is editor in Pandaemonium Germanicum journal (USP) and author of Impaciência do conhecimento: Aproximações aos Sonâmbulos de Hermann Broch.

Daniel Alves


Daniel Alves is Assistant Professor at the Department of History and researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History (IHC), both at NOVA-FCSH, NOVA University of Lisbon. He has a Master in 19th Century History and a PhD in Contemporary Economic and Social History. He is editor of the journal IJHAC: A Journal of Digital Humanities, published by Edinburgh University Press ( and editor-in-chief of the Portuguese version of The Programming Historian ( He coordinates the IHC Digital Humanities Laboratory ( and is a consultant for the ROSSIO Digital Research Infrastructure ( Together with Natália Constâncio, he coordinates since 2018 the project Atlas of Literary Landscapes of Mainland Portugal ( [Scientific outputs]

Dália Liberato

Dália Liberato, PhD in Tourism Management and Planning and Master’s in management and Planning of Inland and Health Tourism, from the University of Vigo (Spain). She is an Associate Professor at the Tourism and Leisure Department of the School of Hospitality and Tourism (Polytechnic Institute of Porto), where she teaches several curricular units in Tourism at undergraduate and master levels. Currently, she coordinates the Tourist Activities Management degree in the same school (ESHT-P.PORTO). Her main research interests are Tourism Destination Planning and Management and Regional Development, Tourism Management, Tourism Planning, Border Tourism, Literary Tourism, Gastronomy Tourism, Thermal and Wellness Tourism, Creative Tourism, and etourism. She supervised and co-supervised several MSc dissertations and PhD theses. She is also involved in applied research and consultancy projects in Tourism and Leisure and is a member of organizing and scientific committees of international conferences. She is the author or co-author of more than 70 book chapters and articles published in international journals and international conference proceeedings, indexed Scopus and/or Web of Science. [Scientific outputs]

Cristina Costa Vieira

Cristina Maria da Costa Vieira was born in Porto, 1973. She is licensed and has a master by FLUP and is PhD by the University of Beira Interior. She is Assistant Professor since 2005 at UBI, teaching Modern and Contemporary Portuguese Literature, Oral and Marginal Literatures and African Lusophone Cultures, the last ones in the area of the Master Degree Teaching, Cultural, Linguistic and Literary Studies, that she coordenates. She is specialized in the areas of Portuguese historical novel and theory of character. She is integrated member of CLP and collaborates in IELT. In her vast work, she highlights the books O Universo Feminino n’A Esmeralda Partida, de Fernando Campos (Difel, 2002) and A Construção da personagem romanesca: processos definidores (Colibri, 2008), the coordination of three books on Lusophone relations, with essays and reviews in journals of literary art, such as Colóquio/Letras (Lisbon), Brotéria (Lisbon), Convergência Lusíada (Rio de Janeiro), Cadernos do CEIL (Lisbon), UBILETRAS (Covilhã), Estudios Portugueses y Brasileños (Salamanca), Revista Portuguesa de Humanidades (Braga) and Lusorama (Frankfurt). [Scientific outputs]

Carlos Nogueira


Carlos Nogueira is scientific director of the José Saramago Chair at the University of Vigo (Galicia, Spain) as well as holder of the José Saramago Chair at the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes. His teaching and research have focused on the relationships between Literature and Philosophy, Anthropology, Politics, and Law. His books have been published by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, Porto Editora, Edições Europa-América, Edições Lusitânia, Livraria Lello, and Tinta da China. He was awarded The Santander prize for Research Internationalization at the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, the MontepioEssay prize, the Jacinto do Prado Coelho prize for Criticism, and the Vergílio Ferreira Literary Essay prize. [Scientific outputs]

Carlos Conte Neto


Carlos Conte Neto (São Paulo, Brazil, 1985) has a degree in Social Sciences (2009) from the Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas of the Universidade de São Paulo and a Masters in Portuguese Studies (2020) from the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, having received the Best Master 2019/20 distinction. Between 2007 and 2017, he taught basic (2nd and 3rd cycles) and secondary education in schools in São Paulo. He is currently doing a PhD in Portuguese Studies at NOVA FCSH, where he develops research on Portuguese fiction from the 1950s with funding from the FCT.

Carlos Augusto Ribeiro


Researcher/visual artist. PhD in Communication Sciences from NOVA FCSH – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa: Não Estamos Sós Sob a Pele – Uma Exposição Possível Acerca de Duplos. Author of texts on contemporary art at the intersection with other disciplinary fields (literature and communication sciences) and themes (body, image, technology, environment, landscape, popular art and medicine). Activity in the field of fine arts: exhibitions, book covers and visual essays integrated in books. Has been teaching Fine Arts (Ar.Co, Fórum Dança e ESAD-CR). Author of transdisciplinary option, Duplo nas Artes (ESAD-CR) or Cópias, Duplos, Máscaras e Clones na Arte e na Literatura (summer course at NOVA FCSH) and co-author of free course Todas as Artes Contam – Intersecções: Conto, Pintura e Cinema (NOVA FCSH). [Scientific outputs]

Aurélio Lopes


He is a Higher Education Teacher. Degree in Social Anthropology, Master’s in Sociology of Education, Doctorate in Cultural Anthropology from ISCSP – Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. Coordinator of Fórum Ribatejo and of the collections Raízes and Antropologia from Editora Cosmos. He has worked on traditional culture, especially on the Anthropology of the Sacred and its symbolic and festive representations, traditional cultural and cultic practices, particularly with regard to popular religiosity and its syncretic relations with ancestral roots and modern mutational influences. [Scientific outputs]

Andrea Ragusa


Andrea Ragusa (Turin, 1979) graduated from the University of Turin and received a PhD from the New University of Lisbon, in Portuguese Studies. He is currently a professor in the field of translation and linguistics studies at the University of Parma and a researcher at the IELT, within the scope of language and literature studies in the 19th century. He is co-director of the review Appunti leopardiani (Florianópolis) and member of the editorial board of Edizioni dell’Orso (Italy). He translated into Italian some works by Portuguese-speaking writers, including Antero de Quental, Fernando Pessoa and José de Almada Negreiros. [Scientific outputs]